Gorakhpur Public School

Affiliate to CBSE
Ranibagh(Rustampur Dhala) Bargoan, Gorakhpur-273016

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The Mathematics Lab powered by N.I.I.T. Maths Guru

The school claims to have one of the most sophisticated Maths Lab., hardly available in any other school all over Uttar Pradesh. Children need mathematics education that is alive, vibrant, relevant and meaningful. It must provide an opportunity to students to imagine, investigate and interact. With the recommendations of the National Curriculum Frame work developed by NCERT, the CBSE took a few earnest efforts to make teaching and learning of mathematics at schools activity based and experimentation oriented. Maths Lab enables the students to learn and explore mathematical concepts using technology tools. It offers to provide multiple teaching and learning aids. The laboratory exposes the students to understand, internalize and discover the basic mathematical concepts. This builds interest and confidence in students learning the subject. It allows and encourages the students to think, discuss amongst themselves as well as with the teacher. It also provides them with a variety of strategies for problem solving. Maths Lab makes the children use manipulative charts, multimedia content, relevant software and thus the lab equips the students, teachers and school to benefit immensely and showcase creativity. As such the teaching of Mathematics has become a thrilling experience for the teacher and very effective and enjoyable for the students of the school.

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